Bregenz Biennale 2018, Bregenz (AT)
Salvatore Viviano
47°31’24.0″N 9°42’46.7″E
Lake Constance
« Salvatore Viviano reveals the spatial coordinates of the spot on Lake Constance where the Holy Mary will appear from end of August to begenning of September 2018. The miraculous appearances will take place everyday at 1:16pm, for a duration of four minutes. The events could be visible from any part of the city of Bregenz having a view of the lake. Only genuine believers will be able to fully experience the phenomenon. The coordinates to locate the appearances are the following: 47°31’24.0″N 9°42’46.7″E and can be pinpointed using any GPS device or online map services. »
Bregenz Biennale 2018 Map by Albert Allgaier, published by Mark Pezinger Books

47°31’24.0″N 9°42’46.7″E – Detail of the Map